Saturday, February 2, 2008

Hard to find

دي شــيـخ گرد شـهـر هـمي گـشت با چـراغ كـزديـو و دد ملـولـم وانــسانـم آرزوسـت
گـــــفتم كـه يافـت مي نشـود گـشــتـه ايـم مـا گفـت آنـچـه يافت مي نشـود آنـم آرزوست

Last night, the old man, was searching the town, while carrying a lamp,
Saying, he is sick and tired of seeing, those evil and savage, wishing to see a human.
I told him, do not bother, that we have done this search and did not find one,
He said, I wish to have the one, who is very hard to find!!

All I can say, we are not here to change anyone, but ourselves, if possible. Obviously some may imitate our good deed or avoid our shortcomings. But this is totally unpredictable. Allah mentions in Qura’n to Mohammad (PBUH), that you cannot change anybody including those that you love so much. In another part He says,
انّ ا للــّه لا يـغــّيــر ما بـقـوم حــتـّي يـغــّير بانـفـسـهـم،
Verily, Allah will not change the condition of any nation (Family), unless they change themselves.
He says, “As we brought you, one by one, to this world, we will call you to answer your deed alone”. That day no friendship, no relationship, no deal and no excuses are accepted.

My lifetime research in Medicine taught me, that the worst and incurable disease of mankind is not the cancer, but is “Arrogance” (Not ignorance which is treatable).
And my studies in religion, cultures, sociology and personal experience of traveling around the world and seeing most diverse people, that the greatest sin is “To lie”(كـذ ب ).
Especially when one lies to him/her-self, then there remains no Self, to be considered good or bad!!

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